SIMU guaranteesall of our products

We are dedicated to the superior quality of each product we put on the market. SIMU products are guaranteed against all manufacturing, design or material defects.

SIMU Partner
< 0.5 %
Return rate
5 years warranty

5 years warranty





Excluding non-rechargeable batteries

I want to contact theCustomer Service Department

Is a product under warranty faulty?
I am a professional Installer or Distributor The warranty conditions fully apply The SIMU service team will repair or replace the product per warranty conditions.
I am a private individual or a professional Reseller or Individual Please contact your professional installer or distributor to determine their warranty conditions.
Identify your product
Identify your product Each SIMU motor, command or controller is labeled to provide customers with all the legal and technical information they need.

These labels also guarantee the traceability of SIMU products.
Unique datamatrix and/or barcode registration systems guarantee precise traceability.
70 years of experience
70 years of experience
French brand
French brand
Inventor of the tubular motor
Inventor of the tubular motor
100% of our customers would recommend simu
100% of our customers would recommend simu